Marion and the Diet

More and more people today are becoming aware of the important role of their diet in relation to their health. This is a significant advance in knowledge, as the influence of the different components of food on the human body has certainly improved and prolonged our lifes.

We absolutely cannot say that diet is behind all diseases. Some are caused by diet, others are indirectly influenced by diet, and others are not influenced by diet at all. In any case, however, diet as such has a very significant effect on people. It affects physical and mental development.

The building of the organism should start from the very beginning, as this is the only way to achieve a durable and solid structure. We will discuss quality children's diet elsewhere, as it is a very broad subject. In connection with the Marion instrument, another area of dietary problems is important. This is because the processing of food can be disturbed by various disorders. Let us mention food allergies, disorders of digestive enzymes and gastric juices, disorders of bile secretion, immunological reactions to foods, so-called intolerances, or reactions of the intestinal microflora to the presence of certain foods. Food infections and the presence of various chemicals in food are also important. All of these can cause health problems.

Sometimes it is necessary to omit the food that causes the problem. "To follow a certain diet ." The foods to which the body most often reacts are meats, especially pork and beef, cereal proteins - glutens, cow's milk proteins - caseins, but also table salt or sugars - beet, cane, fruit or milk - lactose. Problems may also occur with fruits, vegetables or legumes, where they most often manifest themselves in the form of allergies. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to identify the exact type of food involved in the problems. Also, simply omitting it does not always lead to a remedy, since poorly metabolised foods can persist in the organism for many years, even after they are no longer consumed.

Marion preparations normalize immune reactions, allergies, enzyme disorders, induce intestinal symbiosis, and normalize the intestinal microbiome.

Regenerative processes are even faster when we can omit the problematic food or significantly reduce its consumption.

Marion products also stimulate the elimination of problematic metabolites or poorly processed foods during dieting. They also regulate excretory processes (stool), a major problem of recent years, often underestimated.