


Toxins Indication
Salts of uric acid Uric acid salts
Uric acid



When we talk about salts, people most often assume that I am talking about table salt (NaCl). Although it is part of the Salur preparation, we are mainly talking about biogenic salts such as calcium oxalate, calcium oxalate, uric acid, sodium urate, potassium urate, ammonium urate, carbonate-apatite, hydroxylapatite, calcium phosphate and many others. All salts are formed by the metabolism of food or by reactions between body acids and alkali. Biogenic salts must be removed by the kidneys. If the kidneys don't have the necessary functionality, the salts build up in the body and cause various inflammations. The Salur preparation can be accompanied by lacto-vegetarian diets, drinking herbal teas, especially nettle, and bathing in a sodium bath to de-acidify the body or in a magnesium bath, as magnesium regulates the amount of other minerals. Salur is a common supplementary preparation, so it is not the main and essential preparation, but it is often used mainly by middle-aged and older men.