


Toxins Indication
Acholeplasma Antimicrobial preparation for mollicutes and rickettsiaee



The preparation belongs to the antimicrobial group. If a microorganism manifests itself as an acute disease, detoxifying preparations are not indicated and the treatment is carried out in a different way or with drugs. These microorganisms may occur as chronic burdens or as microbial foci. They may not manifest as infections and people with these burdens are not infectious to others. It is not possible to describe the symptoms by which we can identify the microorganisms. They can also disrupt tissues very far from the basic deposit by their toxins or by the electromagnetic energy they emit. It can be very difficult to detect them, so we have only one option, and that is to use Akuport. Even a good knowledge of this instrument will not show us all the locations of microorganisms. In the course of detoxification, individual microorganisms may stand out and become measurable. The removal of some toxins such as biogenic salts, toxic elements, chemicals or metabolites may protect the microorganisms and so we can only get to them during the detoxification. Microorganisms are one of the most important toxic burdens, and all our efforts should be directed towards guiding the immune system to these hidden microorganisms. Therefore, we need to work in parallel with the immune system, because preparations alone do not have the ability to kill microorganisms like antibiotics, for example.The Resys preparation includes Mollicutes and Rickettsia.