Toxins | Indication |
High blood pressure | |
Arterial hypertension is probably the most widespread human disease. The fact that hypertension affects virtually only humans is the proof that it is a civilizational disease. There are many cures for hypertension. As a result, it is usually so-called compensated. However, because the cause is not eliminated, blood pressure regulation is impaired despite medication. This is also why the number of heart failures, strokes and circulatory problems is not decreasing in the Czech Republic. Pharmaceutical treatment cannot achieve the elimination of the cause of hypertension. High blood pressure damages the heart because it forces the blood against increased resistance, and it also damages kidneys, veins, and eyes. However, the regulation of blood pressure is very complex. It involves nerve structures called baroreceptors. They are located in the carotid artery and the aortic arch; other regulators are alpha and beta receptors in the walls of the arteries. Because the arteries have a muscular layer, they can change their translucency and thus change the blood pressure according to the laws of hydrodynamics. Arteries are also surrounded by autonomic nerves. They react to stress and other emotional influences. The autonomic system also responds to the hormones of the adrenal cortex - catecholamines. The adrenal glands are also an anti-stress organ. Excessive secretion of catecholamines leads to changes in blood pressure. Both up and down. The adrenal medulla, along with the kidneys, regulate the amount of intracellular fluid. Through the arterial capillaries, they increase the amount of fluid in the blood. The heart has difficulty pushing blood through a waterlogged body. The angiotensin and renin hormones or vasopressin produced by the neurohypophysis are involved in blood pressure mainly in the kidneys. To make the matter worse, the medulla oblongata and, surprisingly, the cerebellum play a decisive role in pressure regulation. It must be clear to everyone that the Hyperten preparation is very complex. Despite its present imperfection, I have decided to include it. It will gradually be perfected until one day it will become the showcase of detoxification.