


Toxins Indication
Borrelia Liver circuit
DNA viruses
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis Non A Non B
RNA viruses


Detail preparátu:

Hepcirk represents a preparation that is combined from two functional structures. A liver cell has a huge number of functions, both detoxifying and metabolic. The second function of the liver is the production of bile and its secretion into the gallbladder and then into the duodenum. From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the liver controls a variety of physical and mental processes and it is a very stressed organ today. It is damaged by aggression, defiance, stress, but also by fried food, especially meat and animal fat. The liver is directly connected to the large intestine by the vascular and lymphatic system and so its function is often influenced by the situation in the intestinal microbiome. Fortunately, the liver has a very good regenerative capacity and so we can hope that through the detoxification process, its function will be fully adjusted. From a practical point of view, it mainly affects the production and breakdown of blood fats and cholesterol and it affects the whole fat metabolism. It is one of the main organs whose poor function can manifest itself in elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels, as well as the development of acne. Hepcirk is also an important emotional preparation because the liver controls many emotional processes. On the one hand, it can be the cause of the unpleasant stubbornness of rigidity and pedanticism. On the other hand, it can cause indecisiveness and uncertainty. The bile ducts can become diseased by inflammation, autoimmune diseases, stones or tumors. The unpleasant fact is that the bile duct joins the pancreatic duct just above the entrance to the duodenum, and so microorganisms can travel up to the pancreas when bile stagnates. The basic preparation is Hepcirk, and hepatic viruses, chemicals, drugs, and intestinal toxins are common burdens.