Anti-Anti B



Toxins Indications
Dysbiosis An important part of the intestinal symbiosis kit containing lactobacillus culture
Intestinal carcinogen



The only capsule representative in the Marion detoxification system. The content of the capsules carries relevant information and it is also partly composed of some strains of lactobacilli. It is therefore a combination of two desirable and beneficial processes. The information component detoxifies the centres controlling the composition of the intestinal microbiome and the centres controlling antibacterial, antiviral and anticancer immunity. The capsule form has been designed to complement this detoxification process with a beneficial microflora consisting of lactobacilli. We use Anti-Anti B to influence digestive processes, the production of intestinal toxins and to influence the control centres for the immune system. According to the literature, this modification of the intestinal environment accounts for 80-90% of the immunoactivation processes of the detoxification procedure. Therefore, we use it both preventively and during the consequences of problematic immune system function. In children, the Mun spray is alternatively used to ease the application.