MUDr. Josef Jonáš talks about detoxification and immunoactivation of the organism
Holistic medicine is a type of medicine that is neither a better nor a worse brother or sister of other medical disciplines. I think that just as surgery has earned its place in the sun, or how we perceive ophthalmology, gynaecology, or other disciplines, so this medicine should also take its appropriate place. Perhaps only in the past was the family doctor or general practitioner in our conditions designated to practice holistic medicine. However, this field has completely deviated from that path and it has now been left open for us who have chosen to follow it.
The main task of holistic medicine is to look for the roots of diseases. We are diligently digging ever deeper to the roots of the tree on which "the fruit of disease ripens". We are probably still very far from these roots, but on the other hand, as we get deeper down, we see that the ancient philosophies from which medicine has gradually separated knew the nature of diseases.
Natural medicine draws inspiration from the past
Just as we can assemble a container from shards and argue what ancient man needed it for, we collect the shards of knowledge that have survived until today, assemble them and argue what their meaning might have been.
However, holistic medicine has been given another word that doesn't actually appear in the name at all. We have quietly "smuggled" the term "natural" behind this name. In holistic medicine we try to use only natural means to heal people. If we were to take this literally, we could also look for the roots of a disease in various chemical reactions, and we could for example perceive the deciphering of the human genome as an act of holistic medicine. However, modern scientific medicine will be reluctant to let us into these realms. That is why holistic medicine has created an arsenal of tools that draws inspiration primarily from the past, as I have already pointed out.
Imagine human health as a multi-storey house. Somewhere in the beginning, a person builds poor foundations. These foundations are often built not only by the person himself or herself, but also by his or her parents and even grandparents, not only in terms of the genetic makeup passed on to them, but also in terms of the conditions they prepare for such a person during their intrauterine development. Of course, the person can also participate in the building of poor foundations by improper diet, lifestyle, or approach to his or her own mind.
We could say that a person has his or her whole life to repair the damage done by their ancestors. It is not just physical damage. We need much more time to repair our psychological Self; literature speaks of maturing, learning about one's personality and efforts to complete one's mental and spiritual development.
We build individual floors on these foundations. If we continue as poorly as we started, the floors will be damaged and of poor quality. Imagine repairing the foundations of such a house. Do you think the condition of the individual floors and the roof would change? Certainly not, which is why you can start repairing such a house from the roof to the foundation or vice versa, but to change the quality of all the floors it is never enough to repair just one part - even if it is the most important one.
Therefore, the search for a universal principle of health in a person who has been alive for a few years is usually unsuccessful, and the correction of his or her state of health is a gradual, systematic, never-ending and very demanding work on every detail of that complex structure. The principle of holistic medicine, then, is that we understand the interconnectedness of the individual parts of the organism and between the mental, spiritual and physical aspects, between our social, human environment, the natural, home and work environment, and, if we have a really big insight, we also understand the interconnectedness with human history and the cosmos.
The Less, the Better
If we turned our mind to the knowledge of human health, we would gather millions and millions of pieces of information. Some of this information is compelling, so we don't doubt it. For example, we come across many so-called dietary supplements that promise to supply the human body with the necessary trace elements, minerals, vitamins, proteins, healthy fats, and who knows what else. But we know from experience that the absolute majority of illness comes from excess, not deficiency. Therefore, we will not deal with them if we keep supplementing and supplementing, but if we get rid of unnecessary ballast and excess.
After more than twenty years of experience, I have come to the conclusion that poisons are the cause of all diseases. I know I am not original - my ancient colleagues were of the same opinion. However, the difference lies in the concept of what poison actually is.
What Are Toxins?
In each era, the term poison (more modernly called toxin) was used to mean something different. In ancient times, in the time of Hippocrates, Galen and other ancient physicians, microorganisms were unknown, there was no chemistry, but people knew a lot about the spiritual world and the human soul. Vapours from swamps, spoiled food, but also evil or supernatural forces that were commonly found in society were therefore considered poison. Magical rituals, fresh air, herbs, or diet were used to remove them. The word diet comes from Hippocrates and already at that time it meant the same thing as we imagine it to mean today. Later doctors added bloodletting or leeches, enemas, skull trepanation and more. All these methods were expressions of the desire to remove poisons from the human body and soul.
But the present level of knowledge allows us to define these toxins much more precisely and to divide them into several groups:
- toxic substances in the environment - chemicals, radioactivity, toxic metals, etc.
- chemical toxins that enter the body from chemically synthesised drugs, smoking, drug addiction, etc.
- toxins from food - metabolites, food additives, etc.
- psychological toxins - pathological mental programs, emotions, stress, anxiety, etc.
- toxins transmitted by heredity - especially from the mother's body to the developing foetus
- microbial toxins - viruses, bacteria, infectious agents, etc.
Excesses Must Be Removed
The human organism functions the better the more organized it is, the better its regulatory processes are. A well-regulated organism can exist in a healthy state for more than a hundred years. Regulation in the human organism is based on the principles of so-called autoregulation, i.e. regulation that takes place independently of our will through automatic mechanisms. When chaos, i.e. a low level of orderliness, arises in the human organism, diseases and malfunctions of various bodily and nervous organs also occur. Our effort is therefore to return a good autoregulation capacity to the organism, or a low level of entropy to put it more scientifically.
The ancient peoples of Asia described autoregulation symbolically with the famous monad, i. e. a whole in which two opposing principles of yin and yang are dynamically penetrating and balancing each other The monad is a symbol of a holistic, unified view of life, because of course it cannot be said that one quality is better than the other.
Autoregulation in the human organism is maintained by the balance between two opposing forces, which symbolizes everything that is balanced, harmonious and in unison. Harmony is disturbed by the predominance of one of the forces. This predominance can be caused by diet, mind, surrounding nature, people around us and other influences. One should therefore strive to live in an imaginary midpoint without extreme influences. Influences that disturb the balance in our organism, and thus our autoregulation processes, can generally be called toxins.
Toxins can therefore be disruptive substances from our environment or a diet that our body cannot accept and process, or even stress and other negative elements. By removing these toxic influences, the autoregulation ability returns to the body, restlessness and chaos are reduced, harmony returns, and entropy is reduced - and this is the goal of healing processes.
The removal of toxins that disrupt the autoregulation processes in our body is called detoxification.
EAV Method
In order to understand what the body needs, what is meaningful, what is principal, what really works, and what we have learned to manage, we need to find out what is in excess in our organism, both physically and mentally. Getting this knowledge is not easy, and medicine does not deal with devices or procedures that would make this possible. Neither X-rays, nor the most detailed computed tomography or perfect electrophysiological methods inform us about this condition.
Many healers say that all they need is a kind of intuition or extrasensory perception to detect such a condition. A closer examination of these healing procedures, however, shows that extrasensory perception cannot be 100% relied upon.
If we are to compete with current medicine, we must have a high success rate in obtaining this knowledge. The Voll method can detect unwanted toxins in both the physical and psychological sphere. Then we can start some treatment. However, we also need to know whether the method we use actually leads to the goal. This is also possible with the Voll device.
Before 1989, only a few people worked with the Voll device in our country. It was not as much about treatment as it was rather a kind of familiarisation, because there was a lack of experience, the relevant literature, and especially the preparations that would give the device a therapeutic sense.
At that time, I was the senior consultant of the psychiatric ward of the hospital and it was an incredible ordeal for me to spend half the day giving people drugs and telling them that only modern chemistry and pharmacology could help them with their health problems, and the other half of the day urging other patients to avoid chemical preparations and offering them a completely different solution based solely on natural methods. I had to get rid of this schizophrenia, which I did, and I started practicing natural medicine exclusively. I still admire some colleagues who still work in such a schizophrenic way.
By Exclusion to Strengthening
I have come to understand that it is not only chemistry that can alter all processes taking place in tissues and that the carrier of the changes and the healing effect is not just matter, but also information. The criticism consisted in saying that there was nothing in these preparations, and it came in handy for banning or not allowing the preparations, but it meant something wonderful for us.
Our opponents fulminated about fraudsters who use substances that have nothing in them. With the great support of the former Minister of Health, they succeeded in expelling the EAV company from the Czech Medical Association of J. E. Purkyně, so that today it is a method described as non-medical.
Paradoxically, however, this liquidation campaign indirectly helped the re-development of our method, because thanks to it, non-medical practitioners were able to start practising this method absolutely legally.
I am pleased that this method is helping many people every day not only in the Czech Republic, but it is constantly spreading to many countries in Europe.